
52 pages 1 hour read


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Part 1, Chapters 10-13Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1

Chapter 10 Summary: “Saddleback Fever”

The morning after the celebration, Mr. March awakens with a bad headache and full-body soreness. He starts shivering and a fever takes hold. At noon, Canning finds Mr. March still in bed and considers him to be “gravely ill” (158). The workers, along with Canning, band together to bring Mr. March back to good health. After two days of being violently ill, his fever breaks. Mr. March writes another letter to Marmee. For fear of worrying her, he doesn’t mention his illness. Rather, he says he has not been writing as often because of the mosquitos, which are drawn to the candlelight by which he pens his letters. He then provides detailed descriptions of the cotton blossoms’ beauty.

Canning returns from town in a worried state because he has learned that the Union is withdrawing its security presence from the area. He shares this news with Mr. March, who tries to reassure him that they will be safe, but Canning remains concerned that guerillas will raid the plantation. Ptolemy, a former slave (now Canning’s assistant) overhears the conversation and his face expresses worry. Though he is still weak, Mr. March is well enough to return to the classroom. The workers learn of the potential guerilla threat and ask Mr. March if he and Canning intend to remain on the plantation. Jesse tells Mr. March to protect himself because, if the guerillas do come, they will surely kill him. Mr. March is troubled by Jesse’s advice and constructs a hiding hole behind piles of cotton seed.

Canning fears the threat will cause the workers to run off and considers hiring guards to keep them on the plantation. Mr. March talks him out of this plan, reminding him that the former slaves are now liberated workers. None of the slaves leave the property. Several weeks pass and no guerilla attack occurs, but Mr. March does suffer another spell of sickness. He is diagnosed with saddleback fever, a chronic illness that periodically recurs, and cannot be cured.

Chapter 11 Summary: “Tolling Bells”

Mr. March philosophizes on the meanings of courage and cowardice. He believes that fearlessness should not be equated with bravery, but with “a mind devoid of rationality and imagination” (168). A truly brave man “quakes with terror, sweats, feels his very bowels betray him, and in spite of this moves forward to do the act he dreads” (168). In Mr. March’s view, sometimes inaction is a sign of true courage, such as in those who refuse to participate in war efforts because of conscientious objection.

Mr. March thinks about Brown’s attack on the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry. Though Brown expected this action to provoke a massive slave rebellion, it did not. Brown’s sons, along with other followers, were killed. He was captured and eventually executed. Mr. March has learned “to look back on the episode without bitterness or blame,” even though he had financially supported Brown “to free human beings, not to slaughter them” (169). Mr. March, and other local supporters of Brown, became concerned that they would be investigated for providing him financial support.

Following Brown’s death, there were fewer refugees arriving via the Underground Railroad. On a cold January night, a teenaged girl arrived at the March’s door. The girl, Flora, was disguised as a man. On her feet were open wounds, which Marmee treated. During a moment alone, Marmee told Mr. March that Flora was pregnant. Rather than send her along to Canada, they decided to keep Flora with them for a longer stay so that her feet could fully heal. Beth, who was typically shy, grew close to Flora. She helped to bring Flora back to health, even convincing Mr. March to provide here with dairy products.

While Mr. March and Marmee were at a speaking engagement, a constable had come to their home in search of runaway slaves. Marmee gently asked Beth to recall what happened. Beth said that the constable had barged in and claimed he had information that a runaway slave was in the home. Beth told the constable that this wasn’t true. She then explained to Mr. March that she hadn’t told a lie to the constable because, as Mr. March had often said, “there are no slaves in God’s eyes” (180). This warmed Mr. March’s heart.

The constable had said he would come inside to search the house, but Beth told him she needed to see a warrant. Because he didn’t have a warrant, he stormed out. Mr. March and Marmee were very proud of Beth. However, Mr. March was aware that the constable would get a warrant and soon return. That night, they sent Flora on her way to a new home on the Underground Railroad. A year after Flora’s departure, they received a letter from a Canadian woman who said that, though Flora’s baby had died, she was well and learning to read and write.

After war was declared, young soldiers gathered in Concord. One of them asked for a short speech from Mr. March. He offered them Biblically-charged words of encouragement. As he said the words, Mr. March realized they were empty when measured against the action that the young men were about to take. He locked eyes with Marmee, noting that she heard “ a truth in (his) words and recognized (his) intention even before he knew it (himself)” (183). Mr. March then made clear to the soldiers that he would be joining them in the battlefield. When he finished talking to the crowd, Marmee was speechless, which Mr. March took to mean that she was overwhelmingly proud of him.

Now at Oak Landing, Mr. March wishes he were still a man of moral certainty. He misses his family, as well as his concrete sense of right and wrong.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Red Moon”

At Oak Landing, they are prepared for a great cotton harvest and spirits are high. That night, a sound awakens Mr. March and he can smell fresh horse droppings, though there were no stables nearby. Immediately, he crawls into his hiding hole. Soon, a guerilla kicks in his door and searches his sleeping quarters. Mr. March hears one of the intruders say that the bed is still warm. From outside, he hears pistols shots and screaming.

Soon, he hears Canning shout, “No!” (186). The guerillas tell Canning to summon Mr. March or they will also shoot his other leg. Canning refuses and is again shot. Mr. March considers giving himself up, but “fear lay on (his) chest, crushing the air out of (him), pinning (him) like a rockfall” (186). Canning faints and the guerillas’ major summons Ptolemy, the old servant. Mr. March can hear the voice of Zeke, who seems to be assisting the major. The major calls out to Mr. March, telling him to reveal himself or he will behead Ptolemy. Mr. March’s mind tells him to save Ptolemy, but his “sinews had turned to broth” (187). Ptolemy calls out to Mr. March, telling him to stay hidden because he was used up and ready to go to heaven. Mr. March hears the decapitation and starts to sob.

The major tells his men to start burning down the buildings. Mr. March has to flee to avoid incineration. Mr. March notes that he was “man enough, it seemed, to save (his) own life” (188). He crawls through a hole that had been created when a guerilla kicked the wall. Outside, he sees Canning unconscious and lashed to his horse, Aster. The guerillas had also cut off Canning’s ear. Young guerillas throw Ptolemy’s body into the fire. Mr. March prays for Ptolemy’s soul but wonders why God would bother listening to him after his show of cowardice. He feels pure hatred for the guerillas, but also for himself.

Mr. March remains hidden in the woodpile until it is safe to move. He is consumed by guilt. His sense of self-disgust grows into a sense of purpose. He feels driven to redeem what happened, even if it kills him. Though he is in his sleepwear, he decides to follow the guerillas, who round up Canning and some of the workers. He runs into the house to see if anyone is still there. He thinks about how Canning was right that Zeke’s loyalty was with his sons, who serve as Confederate guerillas. Upstairs, he pries loose a floorboard and retrieves Canning’s secret stash of cash, as well as an ambrotype of a girl. He puts on Canning’s boots, but they are too small; to make them fit, he cuts off the toes.

He follows the guerillas. There are about 20 of them, two of whom are black, presumably Zeke’s sons. The guerillas have taken several workers. When they take Jimse, Zannah chooses to go with them. Mr. March starts to make a move toward the guerillas, but Jesse comes up from behind and puts his hand over his mouth, telling him to stay put because it is not the right time to attack. The guerillas head into the woods and, from a safe distance, Mr. March follows along with Jesse, who carries a knife and hopes they will get an opportunity to attack while the guerillas sleep.

Chapter 13 Summary: “A Good Kind Man”

For hours, Mr. March and Jesse walk through the woods. The boots flay Mr. March’s feet and he is “dizzy from lack of food and parched for water” (193), but he persists. At dusk, the guerillas make camp in a clearing. Jesse tells Mr. March that he set two big jars of moonshine outside of his cabin, hoping that the guerillas would take them. For two hours, they remain hidden in the bushes. It seems that the guerillas are indeed getting drunk. Mr. March and Jesse creep forward to get a better look at the situation. All the plantation workers are bound, except for Zannah, who is tending the cook fire. Canning is not bound because he is immobilized by his wounded legs.

A guerilla takes Zannah into the woods to rape her and Mr. March tells Jesse that they must help her. Jesse tells him they must wait or else they will be killed, and Zannah will be sold into slavery and face years of violations. He also says that he added something to the liquor to make the guerillas sick. The first guerilla is overcome with stomach trouble and runs into the woods to relieve himself. Jesse sneaks up on the man and kills him. He takes the man’s guns and sword. Under the noise of the drunken banter, the other guerillas don’t notice. Another man wanders into the woods; Jesse also kills him and takes his weapons.

Mr. March hears the guerillas discussing what to do with Canning. They consider holding him for ransom. Canning has regained consciousness and tells them that he is a worthless loner and that they may as well kill him. When a guerilla lifts his pistol to shoot Canning, Mr. March leaps from the bushes in an attempt to stop the execution. Mr. March implores Canning to tell the guerillas that there is someone who cares about him, the girl in the ambrotype. Canning says that she died six weeks before they were supposed to be married.

The guerillas tie Mr. March to a tree and he listens to Jimse cry out for his mother. Mr. March apologizes to Canning. He then briefly drifts into unconsciousness and awakens in a daze. Zannah appears and frees Mr. March, along with the other workers. A fight erupts between the workers and the guerillas. Saddleback fever is gripping Mr. March but he fights as best he can. A guerilla is about deal Mr. March a death blow, but Cilla stabs the man from behind. The major has a point-blank shot at Mr. March but misses because Canning, with his last bit of strength, struck the major’s ankles with a rock. Mr. March watches the major turn to Canning and shoot him in the head. The major again aims his pistol toward Mr. March and Cilla. The last thing Mr. March recalls hearing is a thump, and then oscillating screams.

The next day, Mr. March wakes up in the clearing. He sees several bodies, including those of Canning and Cilla. He loses consciousness. Days pass and Zannah cares for him as his body pendulates between hot and cold. During a period of lucidity, he asks Zannah about Jimse and she starts to cry, showing him “a cluster of tight-curled ringlets” that she saved (203). She gives one of the ringlets to Mr. March. Much later, he asks her about Jesse and she makes a gesture to indicate that he was captured. She was the only one who escaped.

Mr. March awakens on a ship that is taking him to a hospital in Washington. A nurse tells him that he was grazed by a bullet, but his illness is much more concerning. Apparently, Zannah had brought him to the federal lines. There, she was greeted with scrutiny, but she used charcoal on fabric to communicate Mr. March’s identity. This news compels Mr. March to sob. He hears the nurse call for a surgeon before again slipping into unconsciousness.

Part 1, Chapters 10-13 Analysis

When Mr. March comes down with saddleback fever, it signifies a sharp downturn in his fortunes. Like the guilt that will soon plague him, saddleback fever will be with him for the rest of his life. The war’s brutal effects will not stop when a peace treaty is signed; rather, its participants will continue to struggle for decades to come.

As Canning grows increasingly concerned about a guerilla raid, the narrative’s tone continues its shift toward ominousness. Though Canning and Mr. March are now friendly, they have a disagreement about Canning’s desire to use security guards to prevent the workers from leaving. This illustrates that Canning still has a slave holder’s mentality; however, he now has greater respect for Mr. March, and he adheres to his insistence that the workers be allowed to come and go as they please. Mr. March’s moral convictions are having a tangible impact on the plantation.

The workers greatly fear a guerilla raid because it could mean they’d be sold back into slavery. Primarily because of Mr. March’s kindness toward them, they have become loyal and do not abandon the plantation. Despite Mr. March’s support of the workers, he still subtly regards them as having an inferior intellect. Though Jesse has shown himself to be an outstanding student, Mr. March doesn’t trust his judgment regarding the guerilla threat. In dismissing Jesse’s knowledge of how dangerous the guerillas are, Mr. March unintentionally puts the workers, and himself, at greater risk.

In Chapter 11, Mr. March ponders what it truly means to be brave. He argues that inaction can be a sign of bravery. It seems that he feels guilty that he hasn’t done as much as others (namely Brown) to abolish slavery, and this philosophical exercise is meant to absolve himself of not taking greater action. When the constable came in search of runaway slaves, Beth stood up to him and prevented him from conducting a search. This action—when measured against Mr. March’s previous musings about bravery—was strikingly courageous. Despite being an introverted girl, Beth stood strong against a tyrannical government policy, and protected her friend. Mr. March and Marmee were proud, at least in part, because Beth had learned that legality should not be equated with morality.

Following the declaration of war, Mr. March gave an impromptu speech to a group of departing local soldiers. His words were Biblically-charged, which illustrated that, for him, slavery wasn’t only morally wrong, it was sacrilegious. Prior to his speech, he hadn’t decided that he was going to join the war effort. However, he realized his words were empty compared to the soldiers’ actions, and then felt compelled to join them. When he locked eyes with Marmee, he believed she was indicating her pride in his decision to go. Later, however, it is revealed that Marmee did not actually want him to go to war, further highlighting a disconnection in their marriage that was evident before Mr. March’s departure.

In Chapter 12, the mood at Oak Landing is foreboding. A red moon is a sign that bloodshed is nearing, and Mr. March darkly notes that, despite having a successful growing season, they “never brought the harvest home” (185). When the guerillas call out to Mr. March, he has the opportunity to perform a truly brave act. However, he remains silent as Canning is shot, and then Ptolemy is beheaded. For all of Mr. March’s cerebral fixating on what it means to be brave, he fails to turn his ideas into action. This triggers a cycle of guilt, self-loathing, and attempted redemption.

The guerillas set the buildings on fire and suddenly March acts in self-preservation. This indicates that, despite the beliefs he has espoused, he places more value on his own life. However, the immediate guilt compels him to seek redemption. He wants to be brave, but also wants to live, and has now arrived in a situation where he can’t necessarily have it both ways. The guerillas have tested his moral convictions and, so far, he has failed to follow through with moral actions. Canning would not reveal Mr. March’s location, and Ptolemy told Mr. March to remain in hiding. These men made grave sacrifices to protect Mr. March, which, when juxtaposed against Mr. March’s inaction, make him seem particularly cowardly. Mr. March is keenly aware of this and uses it as motivation to pursue the guerillas into the woods.

In Chapter 13, Jesse and Mr. March stalk the guerillas. Jesse has a clear plan for attacking them, but Mr. March is still resistant to engaging in a violent act, even if it will prevent much greater violence to their comrades. Mr. March is eager to redeem himself, but when Jesse tells him to kill “the next one,” Mr. March refuses. At this point it is clear that Mr. March will not act in accordance with his moral principles; rather, he is simply fearful of engaging in violent conflict that puts his own life at risk.

When Mr. March steps forward in an attempt to save Canning, he instead puts the captives at greater risk. It is obvious that he should’ve followed Jesse’s orders, and seems that unspoken prejudice is preventing Mr. March from adhering to a black man’s orders. As the fighting erupts, Mr. March once again fails to protect anyone. Rather, his life is saved by Cilla and then Canning, both of whom perish, which later makes him feel even guiltier.

Zannah, the only other one who escapes, takes care of him as he battles saddleback fever. She is loyal to Mr. March because he had cared for Jimse, who also died. Mr. March is boarded onto a Union ship after Zannah brought him all the way to the federal lines. She communicated his identity through written words, which Mr. March had taught her to use, bringing him a tangible and emotional reward for his teachings at Oak Landing. Aboard the ship, Catholic nurses provide him with medical assistance. Though Mr. March set out for the battlefields with the intention of caring for others, it has become more often the case that others care for him.

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